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Using Our Platform

Want to Sign Up As An Employer?

Follow These Steps!

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Are you an employer wanting to connect with some amazing job seekers? Would you like to utilize our platform to do so? Not sure how? Say no more. We have 2 straightforward ways.

1) Call us or email us and we'll call you. You can call at 906-430-0443, text that number OR email us at info@thejobapplicantperspective.com. We absolutely meant this website to function quite similarly to how the newspaper used to. We don't want you to feel like you have to be tech savvy and up to date with AI ore whatever in order to run a successful pizza joint or a successful daycare. You don't. We will do it for you.

2) If you'd like to do it yourself - follow these steps.

a. Click here.

b.Then go here.

c.Fill this out as relevant.

d.And create a password.

And that's it!

Good luck and happy hiring. We are pretty certain that engaging with job seekers on a platform that respects their dignity and well being is a lot more likely to get you the results in an employer-employee relationship than you might find elsewhere and we are excited to help that out!

Cheers all.