Staying Sane While Job Searching Matters!
How can you find that next better job when you are too busy reeling from the rejection of the last 50? Check below to find up to date tips from fellow job hunters as well as links to professional online resources.
Online Therapy Providers
You – as a human – should feel the love and support you deserve because you matter and your experience of life matters. If these resources are of value to you – awesome, if they aren’t – no worries. Maybe someone else will find them worthwhile so we’re gonna keep them.
Eight Ways to Protect Your Mental Health
“When You’re Unemployed” “When we lose a job, we’re not just losing income. We’re losing the friends we had on the job, and sometimes our professional network. We lose status and stability. Many of us lose a sense of purpose and meaning.
My mental health would be helped immensely by not trying to put my best foot forward and being repeatedly rejected by people that affect my ability to pay my mortgage
- Jake VT